every moment of every day I’m learning and growing and praying, seeking God to heal me, bring me closer to Him, and take every thought captive.
I’m thankful. I don’t want to ever get to a point in life where I think I “have it all together” because that is a lie. no one does. we all struggle and have hardships and are in need of a Savior.
I wanted to share one of the things I’m learning right now: we can’t always change our circumstances, but we can always change our attitude.
that goes along with this calling we have to take every thought captive. we can be positive on the outside with our mouths, but if we are always complaining or comparing in our hearts, that will soon spill forth.
I’ve easily let the circumstances of my life over the past few years dictate my demeanor and mindset and attitude and I have had to repent of that.
life is hard and we can never control what comes our way. but we can control our mindset and Who we run to for help.
it’s not easy to have a good attitude when running on few hours of sleep dealing with toddler tantrums, or whatever your circumstances are. but it becomes “easier” when I check my spirit and work on my heart’s attitude towards it. allowing the Holy Spirit to breathe life and peace and grace into our souls gives us the needed strength to carry on.
I’m preaching to myself here and just wanted to share in case you also are in a season of growth.