here’s something I recently re-learned…I feel more creative and have more space in my brain for creating when my home feels less cluttered. you may be thinking that’s obvious, and I’ve known this is the case. but we have moved a lot over the past few years and these major life transitions really stunted my ability to do the simplest tasks.
our mental state truly takes a toll during tough seasons and that’s normal. it’s a time to give yourself grace and just do the best you can.
now that I feel we are settling and getting into a good rhythm, I have more capacity to declutter and design our home how I truly envision it.
since I have been in this mode of purging, I truly feel more mental space to create. I feel more capacity to dream. it’s so nice!
we often get caught up in day to day tasks that we don’t take the time to really ask ourselves if everything we have is serving us well. we are called to be stewards of whatever we are given and that includes our homes and all that is within them.
once we eliminate that which we do not need, we can then have more space for living into our calling and whatever creativity seeks to burst from within.
all images from a recent family session on Sullivan’s Island